Comiclist: Marvel Comics Nuove uscite per 11/08/2017

Comiclist: Marvel Comics Nuove uscite per mercoledì 8 novembre 2017 di Charles LePage.

Avengers #672 (Mike Allred 2nd Variant Cover), $ 3,99 Black Panther Volume 4 Avengers The New World Part 1 TP, $ 16,99Daredevil #595 (Cover a Bill Sienkiewicz), $ 3,99DAREDEVIL #595 (Copertura B Greg Hildebrandt), ARDAREDEVIL # 595 (Copertura C Elizabeth Coppia Variante di omaggio lenticolare), Ardaredevil #595 (copertina D Mike McKone Legacy Headshot Variant), ArdaredEvil #595 (copertina E Jack Kirby 1965 Variante t-shirt), ArremeDevil #595 (copertina F declan shalvey) , ArdaredEvil #595 (copertina g vuota variante), Ardespbled Deadpool #289 (Cover A David Lopez), $ 3,99Despicable Deadpool #289 (copertina B Scott Koblish Secret Comics Variant), Aredge of Venomverse TP, $ 17,99falcon #2, $ 3,99Generation x #8, $ 3,99Gwenpool The Amazing #22, $ 3,99iceman #6 (Michael Ryan 2nd Variant Cover), $ 3,99Iron Fist #73 (Mike Perkins 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $ 3,99jessica Jones #13 (Dan Mora 2nd Printing Cover) Cover) , $ 3,99jessica Jones #14, $ 3,99 marvelwork The Amazing Hulk Volume 11 HC, $ 75,00Marvel MAS TERWORKS The Amazing Hulk Volume 11 HC (Volume della variante del mercato diretto 252), album da collezione di francobolli da $ 75,00 martel, armaster di kung fu 126 (cover a javier rodriguez), $ 3,99master di kung fu #126 (copertina b John Tyler Christopher Trading. Variante della carta), Armaster di Kung Fu #126 (copertina C Mike Mayhew), Armoon Knight #188 (Cover A Jacen Burrows), $ 3,99moon Knight #188 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), Armoon Knight #188 (Cover C Bill Sienkiewiczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Variante di omaggio lenticolare), Armoon Knight #188 (Copertura D Mike McKone Legacy Headshot Variant), Armoon Knight #188 (Cover E John Tyler Christopher Trading Card Variant), Arms. Marvel #24, $ 3,99Royals #10, $ 3,99Royals #9 (Juan Doe 2nd Variant Cover), $ 3,99Runaways #3 (cover a Kris anka), $ 3,99runaways #3 (Cover B Kevin Wada), Arrunaways Volume 7 Live Fast Tp (Nuova stampa), $ 14,99SHE-HULK #159 (Copertura A Mike Deodato Jr.), $ 3,99SHE-HULK #159 (copertina B Duncan Fegredo Lenticolare Variante omaggio), Arshe-Hulk #159 (copertina C Mike McKone Legacy Headshot Variant) , Arshe-Hulk #159 (copertina D John Tyler Christopher Trading Card Variant), Arshe-Hulk #159 (Cover E Bilquis Evely), Arspider-Man Deadpool #23 (Cover a Chris Bachalo), $ 3,99spider-man Deadpool #23 ( Copertina B Giuseppe Camuncoli Variante di omaggio lenticolare), arspider-man deadpool #23 (copertina c mike mckone eredità della variante headshot), arspider-man deadpool #23 (copertina d Scott Hepburn), arspider-man Miles Morales Volume 3 TP, $ 19.99spiri di Spirits of Vengeance #1 (di 5) (Ken Lashley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $ 3,99 spirit di vendetta n. 2 (di 5) (cover a Dan Mora), $ 3,99 spirit di vendetta n. 2 (di 5) (copertina B Giuseppe Camuncoli), Arstar Wars #38 (Cover A David Marquez), $ 3,99star Wars #38 (Cover B Michael Walsh), Arstar Wars #38 (Cover C Terry Dodson), Arstar Wars #38 (copertina D Pepe Larraz Homage Variant), Arstar Wars # 38 (copertina e Kris anka Star Wars 40th Anniversary Variant), Arstar Wars #38 (Cover F John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), Arstar Wars Darth Maul Child of Dathomir TP (Nuova stampa), $ 15,99star Wars The Force Awakens Adapt TP, $ 19,99 UNABEABABLE SQUIRREL GIRL #26, $ 3,99 Avengers #29, $ 3,99
Venom #1 (Copertura variante negativa Clayton Crain Comicxposure) (forze dinamiche), Arvenom #155 (Francesco Mattina 2nd Variant Cover), $ 3,99venom #157, $ 3,99 Vision Director’s Cut #6 (di 6), $ 6,99x-men oro # # 13 (Ben Caldwell 2nd Variant Cover), $ 3,99x-Men Gold #15, $ 3,99zomombies Assemble 2 #4 (di 4) (Cover A Kiichi Mizushima), $ 4,99zombies Assembal 2 #4 (di 4) (copertina B Michael William Kaluta), Arzombies Asseble Manga Volume 1 TP, $ 14,99 titan Groupthor Ragnorak The Official Collector’s Edition SC (Newsstand Edition), $ 9,99thor Ragnorak The Official Collector’s Edition SC (Exclusive Edition di Anteprime), $ 9,99

Deadpool Anteprime Exclusive Decal Pack, Serie TV Arflash Flash Artfx+ Statue, AR
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 stelle-orord con esplosione S.H.figuarts, AR
Marvel Hydra Bottle Aprir, AR
Marvel Sig.ra Marvel Kamala Khan Bishoujo Statue, Armarvel Now Venom Artfx+ Statua, Armarvel Premier Collection Psylocke Statue, AR
Marvel due in uno poster di Alex Ross, AR
Marvel X-Men vs Brotherhood MIMINATIS BOX Set, AR
Poster di resurrezione di Phoenix di Leinil Francis Yu, AR
Poster Venom Inc di Ryan Stegman, AR
Poster di X-Men Grand Design di Ed Piskor, AR

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© 1995-2017 Charles S. LePage. Questo lavoro è autorizzato sotto i Creative Commonsnull

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